Your very ownStudy CopilotCreate flashcards, learn with AI and spaced repetition, use AI for quizzes, chat with documents, and more.
No credit card required

Let AI do the heavy lifting.

Generate flashcardsFrom a text, a subject or even your PDF documents, Retinello will help you create your flashcards using AI.
Spaced repetitionRetinello will help you remember your flashcards by using spaced repetition.
Interactive learningChat with your flashcards and get instant feedback from our AI.
Handle documentsUpload your PDF files and chat, generate flashcards or use them as context for your chats.
Coming soon
NotesMake sense of your notes. Retinello will help you craft summaries, easier explanations and more.
Coming soon
QuizzesInstantly create quizzes from your flashcards using AI. Simple questions and answers might get boring, not with Retinello.

Trusted by students at

Linköpings Universitet
Linköpings Universitet image
Kungliga Tekniska Högskolan
Kungliga Tekniska Högskolan image
Uppsala Universitet
Uppsala Universitet image
Lunds Universitet
Lunds Universitet image
Karolinska Institutet
Karolinska Institutet image
Stockholms Universitet
Stockholms Universitet image
Chalmers Tekniska Högskola
Chalmers Tekniska Högskola image
Karlstads Universitet
Karlstads Universitet image
Linköpings Universitet
Linköpings Universitet image
Kungliga Tekniska Högskolan
Kungliga Tekniska Högskolan image
Uppsala Universitet
Uppsala Universitet image
Lunds Universitet
Lunds Universitet image
Karolinska Institutet
Karolinska Institutet image
Stockholms Universitet
Stockholms Universitet image
Chalmers Tekniska Högskola
Chalmers Tekniska Högskola image
Karlstads Universitet
Karlstads Universitet image

Like Retinello?

You'll love it on mobile.Coming in 2024
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Our Mission

Empowering individuals worldwide with effective learning through the fusion of technology and education. At Retinello, we believe that by elevating the learning experience, we can ignite positive change and growth in every corner of the globe.

Your Mission

Engage with our Discord community and shape the future of Retinello. Your feedback, bug reports, and collaboration directly refine our platform. Together, we ensure Retinello remains a user-centric tool, sparking positive change worldwide.


Current pricing for Retinello. We offer a free membership with limited features, and a paid membership with all features without limits.



IncludesGenerate flashcardsSpaced repetition systemGenerate material from documentsShare learning material with friendsInteractive learning with AILimited credits


IncludesEverything in BasicUnlimited AI generationsUnlimited AI interactionsUpload documentsChat with documentsChat with multiple documents simultaneously

